Energy Efficiency of High-Speed Doors in Industrial Environments

In many countries, the industrial sector carries much weight for the economy. Together with agriculture, livestock and the service sector, the industry is one of the engines that powers the economy, providing employment for thousands of people around the world.
Around big cities, there are a number of industrial parks. These house many companies of different kinds, dedicated to product design and manufacture. The general premises in these types of spaces are industrial units, which given their dimensions, have considerable energy expenses.
Companies take energy costs very much into consideration so that their financial results at month end are as positive as possible. In this sense, there is an element in industrial units which contributes to reducing the electricity bill of companies: high-speed doors.
More sustainable and efficient industrial companies
Ferroflex high-speed industrial doors are excellent allies in order to achieve considerable energy efficiency. They feature shorter opening and closing times, which reduces energy loss and increases energy savings for the companies. This is essential, especially in places where sudden temperature changes can deteriorate the goods, for example, in cold rooms.
This closing and opening speed improves the transit of people and goods, and reduces the time that an air current can modify the temperature inside the premises. All this makes the company more sustainable, thus contributing actively to caring for the environment.
Do you manage or direct a company in the industrial sector and want to optimise your energy efficiency? Contact us now and we will design, manufacture and install the customised high-speed doors that you need for your industrial unit or storage facilities.